Assault And Murder Defense Attorneys For Serious Violent Charges

The consequences of violent crimes like murder, malicious wounding, assault, robbery and abduction are very severe. For example, conviction on a charge of committing malicious wounding could result in a sentence of five to twenty years in prison. A murder conviction could in some instances possibly result in life in prison. A conviction for aggravated malicious wounding carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

With your freedom and even possibly your life on the line, you and your attorney must face violent crime charges head-on, putting together the strongest defense possible. You need advocates with decades of criminal experience who know Virginia’s criminal justice system inside and out. You need a criminal defense law firm like The Law Office of Cosby & Calhoun, with a reputation for success in even the most difficult cases.

What Is Considered A Violent Crime Against A Person?

The blanket phrase violent crimes against a person covers a wide range of offenses, including:

Our two criminal defense lawyers, Charles C. Cosby Jr., and Kevin E. Calhoun, understand the seriousness of these charges and understand what is on the line for you if you are convicted. That is why our office aggressively and passionately prepares and represents allegations of murder, assault and other violent crimes. Our approach has yielded positive results for countless clients over many years.

Claiming Self-Defense To Fight Charges In Virginia

Virginia law recognizes your right to defend yourself against imminent threats – but proving self-defense requires meeting specific legal criteria. Our attorneys know that self-defense claims must show you reasonably believed you were in immediate danger and used only necessary force to protect yourself. Virginia’s “stand your ground” doctrine means you generally do not have to retreat before defending yourself, though the circumstances must still justify your actions.

When building a strong self-defense case, we thoroughly examine multiple critical elements that can support your position and demonstrate the legitimate need for your defensive actions:

  • Whether you reasonably feared immediate harm.
  • If the force you used was proportional to the threat.
  • Evidence showing you were not the initial aggressor.
  • Witness statements supporting your version of events.
  • Any surveillance footage or physical evidence backing your claim.

Through meticulous investigation and preparation of these elements, we develop a comprehensive defense strategy aimed at protecting your rights and freedom.

Assault With A Firearm

Cases involving firearms bring heightened scrutiny and severe consequences. Under Virginia law, using or displaying a firearm during certain felonies carries mandatory minimum sentences that must be served consecutively with any other punishment. Even pointing a firearm at someone can result in serious criminal charges.

Our extensive background in defending weapons-related charges has given us deep knowledge of the technical and legal complexities these cases present. We analyze every aspect of firearms charges to build strong defenses for our clients facing situations such as:

  • Use of a firearm in the commission of a felony (mandatory three-year minimum sentence).
  • Brandishing a firearm (Class 1 misdemeanor).
  • Reckless handling of firearms.
  • Enhanced penalties when firearms are used in domestic violence.
  • Defense strategies for lawful firearm possession and use.

By carefully examining evidence, challenging witness credibility and exploring all possible justifications, we work to protect our clients from the severe repercussions of weapons charges. Our detailed understanding of Virginia firearms laws and how they interact with assault charges allows us to identify and act on opportunities to reduce or dismiss charges when possible.

Contact Us Today – Get Your Defense Started Now

Contact The Law Office of Cosby & Calhoun, to learn more about his services and to schedule a case evaluation. Send us an email or call our Richmond law office at 804-780-0311 today. We proudly serve clients in more than 60 jurisdictions throughout Virginia.